Well hello blog world, I'm back! Yes, I know, it has been FOREVER since we have talked. I greatly apologize for my absence and hope you missed me just as much as I missed you! Since my last post, we have successfully moved into our new digs and me and the mister made it official and got married! Can I tell you how strange it is to go from a 4 letter last name (something that has existed since I was born) to a an 8 letter last name! My hand instinctively stops after T H O M and I have to force the P S O N. I guess that is the price I pay though, for FINALLY having a normal last name! Throughout childhood, my last name was Apel (pronounced like apple) BUT, no matter what, it got butchered. Then at marriage #1, I inherited Tuve. That too brought with it more pronunciations that I thought were possible. So here I am, Sarah Thompson!
So, besides the new last name, lets catch up a bit, shall we! The wedding, in a word, was AMAZING! We had the most beautiful day in October! The sun was shining, it wasn't too hot and the leaves were the most magnificent colors! I spent the morning surrounded by 2 of my very closest friends, Teresa and Julie. Being with them kept me calm and brought with it tons of laughter. I couldn't have asked for more! We got our hair done, ate bagels and drank mimosas. It was perfect. After we got beautified, we booked it back to the hotel to get me dressed to meet my groom! As I was getting laced in, it was so surreal to be standing there with my girlfriends getting ready to start a brand new chapter in my life. A chapter that a few years ago I didn't think would ever begin for me. I simply felt blessed. Blessed to have them, blessed to be marrying Dave, blessed that Lane was getting the family that he deserves.
Seeing Dave for the first time was a moment that I will never forget. A bride has that one moment to take the breath away from her groom. By the look on his face, I am hoping I accomplished my goal. I wanted him to know that I was dressed for him and for the celebration of our marriage. Dave and I spent most of the afternoon parading around downtown Dubuque, capturing pictures. I loved that time. It was just the two of us and our photographers (who happen to be very close friends of ours) It was so laid back and stress free.
During the ceremony, I found myself looking out over the vineyard, scanning the hills surrounding us, their colors so vibrant, breathtaking. I am a lucky woman. I have a man that loves me, a son who loves me most of the time :) and friends that I wouldn't trade for all the stars in the sky. It was an amazing moment. A moment that will never slip far from my mind.
There is so much more that I could talk about, but this entry would quickly turn into a novel. So, I will sign off for today and promise to give more info and memories of our big day! Have a happy Friday!