Trying to find the right words to describe the events of this weekend seems impossible. To say that I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky in my life, at this moment is an understatement. I feel as if my feet have been levitating off the ground and my jaws hurt from the constant smile that is across my face. Why, you ask? On Friday evening, before our pre Valentine's Day dinner, Dave asked me to MARRY HIM!!!!!! It was a moment filled with so much emotion and love.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would ever find a man like Dave. He is someone who loves me for me. He loves the no make up, hair a mess, dressed in sweats Sarah. He makes me happier than I ever imagined I could be and for that, I am forever grateful. I love him to pieces and can not WAIT to start our life together!
We are just dipping into the planning, thinking of September or October of this year. YEAH!! :) I have a feeling that many future posts will pertain to the planning and such, hope it doesn't bore you! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hug somebody you love!!!!
Here's the song Dave had playing as he asked me to MARRY HIM!
I am so happy for you guys! I told Ryan two of my friends named *Sarah* are engaged and getting married in the fall. He laughed and suggested I get a name change? Lol. He was joking but maybe that would work? Keep smiling lady! Happy LOVE day!