Lane has been home for a few days now, and with that comes many struggles. I always refer to his readjustment time as "getting the stink out". It is the time where he has to learn to get back into his normal routine. Something he tends to greatly dislike. Asking him to do normal, everyday tasks begin the battle of World War III. It is so frustrating and beyond draining for me. All I want to do is spend time with him, reconnecting after his time away. However, the majority of the time is spent redirecting his behavior and reminding him of OUR house rules and expectations.
This weekend I made him a behavior chart to try to curb his bad behaviors and reward the good ones. Each day broken into 4 sections.
- Breakfast/Getting dressed
- Pick up Toys
- Dinner/Bath
- Jammies/Bedtime
Each section has the capability for him to get stickers added to the chart. If he gets at least 4 stickers each day he will earn a reward at the end of the week. Seems simple right? Lets hope it works.
In general, he usually does quite well. But, then something just switches in his brain and it is like another child appears. He has gone back to the growling, yelling, kicking and scowling. All of the things that we were working on before he left for his week with Dad. It is so hard dealing with the differences between our two households. When he is with Daddy, life is fun and games. Then, when back with Mom, normal life ensues. It is hard always having to be the bad guy, the parent who has to enforce the rules and dish out discipline. Trying to talk to his Dad about these issues is like trying to talk to someone who is both blind and deaf.
I am lucky to have Dave to help me when my frustrations overflow. He knows the obstacles that I have been facing with Lane, and hasn't backed down in his quest to help both him and me. We go back to the play therapist on Wednesday. Hopefully we can continue to get the bumps worked out.
We definitely have to get some stink out when my kiddos come back too. Some figurative and some literal stink, actually. Last night I was SHOCKED that all three of them came back with amazing positive spirits and no sassing. We'll see how that goes after a long day of school for all three. The literal stink (their dad smokes) will hopefully be gone once I wash all their stuff!