Well what a way to start my Tuesday morning than by receiving a post from a fellow blogger, Stephanie, the author of Thorns Have Roses. She was gracious enough to nominate me for a Stylish Blogger award! :) Super smiles on my end today! So, now that I have my lovely award, here's what I have to do!
There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!
Ok, 7 things about me...
1. I love Julia Roberts. Love all of her movies and own most of them. I can quote Pretty Woman almost word for word. Yes, I realize that this is pathetic, but hey, it's me!
2. I'm kind of OCDish on ways that I eat. Example: when eating M&M's it is essential to sort them by color, eat them in 2's and if there are not 2 of a same color, I eat the odd ones first. Again, pathetic!
3. When I was younger I aspired to be a Doctor until I realized that I needed to be good in science and see blood. Needless to say, science was never my forte and blood is not something I wish to see on a consistent basis.
4. I am obsessed with shoes and purses. A girl can NEVER own too many pairs of shoes!
5. I am the farthest thing from graceful. I constantly run into things. Even once, running into a screen door. :(
6. If it was really possible to be addicted to chocolate, I would be at the front of the line. I LOVE it more than most people.
7. My mom is my hero. She has been through so much in my lifetime and has always handled everything with amazing amounts of strength and grace. I wouldn't be half of the woman that I am today without her in my corner.
Bloggers I am NOMINATING :) Ok, I am new to this and don't have 10 yet but will do as much as I can!
1.Lindsey http://101days2healthy.blogspot.com
2. Stephanie (Hoping I can nominate her again!) http://stephaniejothomas.blogspot.com
3. marathon mommies http://marathonmommies.blogspot.com
4. Ms. Single Mama http://mssinglemama.com/
5 NieNie http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com
Before I go, I must give an update on Lane's bedtime pottying. Last night was a success! I got him up at midnight and his alarm woke him up at 3. This morning was filled with dry undies, and high fives!!! So proud of my little guy!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!
Ok, 7 things about me...
1. I love Julia Roberts. Love all of her movies and own most of them. I can quote Pretty Woman almost word for word. Yes, I realize that this is pathetic, but hey, it's me!
2. I'm kind of OCDish on ways that I eat. Example: when eating M&M's it is essential to sort them by color, eat them in 2's and if there are not 2 of a same color, I eat the odd ones first. Again, pathetic!
3. When I was younger I aspired to be a Doctor until I realized that I needed to be good in science and see blood. Needless to say, science was never my forte and blood is not something I wish to see on a consistent basis.
4. I am obsessed with shoes and purses. A girl can NEVER own too many pairs of shoes!
5. I am the farthest thing from graceful. I constantly run into things. Even once, running into a screen door. :(
6. If it was really possible to be addicted to chocolate, I would be at the front of the line. I LOVE it more than most people.
7. My mom is my hero. She has been through so much in my lifetime and has always handled everything with amazing amounts of strength and grace. I wouldn't be half of the woman that I am today without her in my corner.
Bloggers I am NOMINATING :) Ok, I am new to this and don't have 10 yet but will do as much as I can!
1.Lindsey http://101days2healthy.blogspot.com
2. Stephanie (Hoping I can nominate her again!) http://stephaniejothomas.blogspot.com
3. marathon mommies http://marathonmommies.blogspot.com
4. Ms. Single Mama http://mssinglemama.com/
5 NieNie http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com
Before I go, I must give an update on Lane's bedtime pottying. Last night was a success! I got him up at midnight and his alarm woke him up at 3. This morning was filled with dry undies, and high fives!!! So proud of my little guy!
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