Though the memories from the trip to Boston are many, one of my favorites had to be on the flight. Dave and I were enjoying each others company for the majority of the trip. I read my book while he piddled with his ipad. Both just happy to be together, on our way. Prior to our decent, I happened to look out the window to see the beauty of the clouds. They seemed so perfect. Fluffy. Heavenly. I found myself wondering if this in anyway was what heaven really looked like. I half expected angels to appear sitting on puffs of clouds. It was magical. Peaceful. I loved it. We were caught in that moment between sunset and dusk. I wish I could find adequate words to describe the beauty found in the suns departure while the moons glow began to stregthen. A deep sigh of contement was all I could muster at the simple sight of God's work. The beauty that he supplies us with each day is amazing! It is these simple things that so many of us take for granted each day. I felt so lucky to be there, in that moment to experience that simple pleasure :)
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