Lane learned to ride his bike this weekend without two very important accessories...his training wheels. This has been an idea for quite some time, yet something he wasn't quite ready to partake in. He has been afraid to fall. Afraid to fail. And so, his rides continued with his safety net. This weekend, however, was a different story. Dave and I played up the whole "no training wheels" idea BIG TIME. Just like that, Lane was on board and helped Dave take of the wheels. Without hesitation he got on and away we went. Dave and I took turns riding behind him until he found his balance. Then...he was on his own. Pedaling away. Wow. Throughout, he definitely had his share of struggles and frustrations but always got back up and on. Before we knew it, he was riding like a pro. Feelings of sadness that this is yet another milestone he has hit, yet deep pride in his ability to not give up and try until he accomplishes his goal overcame me. Seeing the joy in his face. The excitement. It was all priceless.
Lane's journey to ride without training wheels made me think of how many of us live our lives with a certain cushion or set of wheels gently guiding us through. So many of us are afraid to fail, to hurt, to feel. We put up these walls for protection, yet in that process miss out on so many other things that life has to offer. I know that I am definitely one of these people. I have lived my life with wall upon wall erected around me. These walls were made to protect me from the negative, but in turn, have also kept me from many positive things in my life. So, I think it's time to put on my hard hat, grab a mallet and start punching them down.
Maybe today is a chance for all of us to take of the training wheels. To live today without our cushion, allowing us to feel what is out there.
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