Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lane's Victory

It is amazing how a small victory in a day can bring a smile at just the right time, a sigh of relief when stress is high, etc... I, or rather Lane, has received a victory in this journey we call life. We are reaching new levels in his therapy, causing him to "graduate" if you will, from the rigors of constant appointments and checkups. He has recently gone from monthly visits with his psychologist to a now 6 month time frame between checking in. To us, this is huge. Currently, he is still seeing his play therapist weekly, but that too is in the works to change. We have only a few more weekly visits before we try tapering back on the amount he is seen. As we left the office this morning, I was filled with joy at the amount of progress my boy has made. It was just a few short months ago that our nights were filled with extreme, violent tantrums. While getting him to complete a desired task was almost nonexistent. Today, Dave and I can give Lane a task to complete and find that we have very little to no resistance. Sure, there are times when attitude accompanies his response, but hey, we can handle that.

I then think back to what life was like a year ago...two years ago. It is a complete opposite from our life today. Today, Lane is thriving in so many ways. His school work remains high, he is expressing his emotions in a more calm, mature manner. He is realizing now that consequences are part of life and that the decisions he makes determine which way a consequence will go. As his mom, I could not be more proud of the strides he has taken throughout this journey. The struggles he has endured have been great, causing us all to at times question the process. Yet, my little guy has pushed forward. Never given up. Never forgotten that he is loved and encouraged by so many. He truly is a gift to me and I thank God each day for the fact that I get to be his mom. So I say Thank You to my sweet boy. Thank you for being you. Thank you for showing me that life is not always what we anticipate, but it is what we make of this life we have been given that counts.

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