Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Out of the seven days of the week, Tuesday is BY FAR my least favorite. Why, you ask? Because it just seems like everyone is cranky and things just don't go as planned.  Now, logic would tell us that Monday would be the worst day, as it is the first day back from the weekend. Not for me, the Tuesday blues are something I experience almost every week!  Lets start with this morning. I was in the middle of a great sleep and BAM, it is time to get up! I then proceeded to run around in shambles trying to get laundry in, dishes picked up and Lane's wild mane combed before we walked out the door. It just seems like I am always a step behind where I am suppose to be.  I realize that I could be mentally sabotaging myself each week by dreading the day to come. I don't intentionally hate Tuesdays, they just always seem to, for a lack of a better word, SUCK!

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