Friday, January 7, 2011

Little girl, Big dreams

As long as I can remember, I have LOVED writing. I love reading the written word as well as writing it. As a child, I was constantly writing little letters and notes to anyone who would read them. At one time, I even replicated text from my favorite book onto writing paper, making sure the words and penmanship were perfect. After completing my masterpiece, I ran to my Dad where I was sure to receive rousing approval for my efforts. Little did I know, it was then that I received my first lesson in plagiarism! :( Though discouraged, my love of writing was far from deterred. If anything, it has grown into one of my main passions, but something that until recently, has taken a backseat to this thing we call life.

This blog is the first step in keeping myself accountable in my writing. It is helping me further develop my craft and will hopefully help me gain the confidence to move into the big scary world of PUBLISHING. That's right kids, I want to be an AUTHOR. (Stating that sentence just put me in emotional overload for the week!) Seeing my name as the author of a piece of work is something I have always wanted, but have been far too scared to try. I can't quite pinpoint why I have had this fear, but a big part of it is the fear of rejection. There are people out there that could tell me that my work blows and to keep my day job. I am trying to learn how to get the thick skin needed to face the criticism, all while keeping faith in myself and my dream.

My dream as an author is to write children's books. I recall telling my mom one day that I wanted to be on the Today Show, sitting next to Matt Lauer, telling him about my book. (I am well aware of how far fetched this dream really is, but hey, you gotta aim high, right?!) I have several concepts and drafts that I have compiled and am now at the point where I need to put the pedal to the metal and make it happen. That though is both terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Like I stated before, I am terrified at the idea of naysayers, yet ecstatic that I have gotten to the point where I am comfortable enough to discuss the idea of actual making this happen.

2011 is the year for new things and old dreams coming true!


  1. Good for you! I've always dreamed of writing and yet have no clue what I want to write about. Hence the blog. :) Let me know if you want to co-author Divorced Divas that Run with me. LOL. ;)
